Connection comes in circles, not rows.
We help develop the leaders who build thriving organisations

We envisage a world where thriving workplace cultures are the norm, where everybody expresses their full human potential and makes a meaningful difference.
We help develop leaders who are skilled at focusing on what matters most at work.
Leaders who create environments of thriving, who develop those around them, who understand the power of our human gifts and are prepared to challenge unhelpful behaviour.
Leaders who thrive themselves, knowing that their own quality of energy has an impact on their teams.
Leaders who understand what drives and motivates people. They are confident to lead with purpose and attuned to the human dynamics that arise in all groups.

“What makes Thompson Harrison different is they really listen, they really probe and they are willing and able to tailor interventions and programmes as a consequence.”

Organisation, team and leadership development

We design and deliver customised, experiential and pragmatic senior leadership development programmes in partnership with our clients. They are culture-specific and sensitive to the organisation’s broader context.
We support clients to evolve thriving organisational cultures. This work begins with a diagnostic to identify organisational challenges and opportunities. We use a proven culture model and support clients to make positive and productive changes and, ultimately, work with the organisation to design and deliver a strategic culture map.
We use our proven methodologies to optimise dynamics for team thriving. We help leaders and teams to activate the 6 elements of thriving teams and unlock the potential for thriving.
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Room To Learn
We have had some recent conversations with groups who are considering office moves or redesigns as they think about their social strategies upfront. In the light of these exchanges, I read Priya Parker’s helpful book “The Art of Gathering” and re-read Stewart Brand’s 1990s classic “How Buildings Learn”. The latter begins with an observation that rings true for 2024:
“Between the world and our idea of the world is a fascinating kink. Architecture, we imagine, is permanent. And so our buildings thwart us. Because they discount time, they misuse time.”

Trusted By

Building Belonging: Convex
We worked closely with our client to design a gathering point that would bring the whole company together in a (safe) immersive, human, generative way.
Building belonging: Convex

Building belonging: Convex
We worked closely with our client to design a gathering point that would bring the whole company together in a (safe) immersive, human, generative way.
“In 4 days’ work we got a year’s worth of culture.”

“In 4 days’ work we got a year’s worth of culture.”

Interested in co-designing
a tailored solution?

Would you or your team benefit from working with experts in organisation, team and leadership development? We would love to discuss. Discover how our expert guidance can transform your team dynamics, leadership, and overall performance.

The Social Brain

A unique blend of evolutionary psychology and strategic leadership insights, perfect for anyone interested in working in thriving groups.
Thompson Harrison co-founders, Tracey Camilleri and Samantha Rockey, along with renowned neuroscience and psychology expert, Robin Dunbar, come together to offer a primer on great team working. They explain why group size matters and how to shape groups according to the nature of the task at hand.

Speaking Engagements

Tracey Camilleri and Samantha Rockey are Thompson Harrison co-founders and co-authors of The Social Brain. As renowned leadership and organisational development experts, they share how to create thriving teams. Considering factors, such as how to diffuse tensions and encourage cooperation, the importance of balancing unity and the need for different views and outlooks. By explaining precisely how the ‘social brain’ works, Tracey and Samantha can help your audience understand the nuances of how human groups function to create great, high-performing teams.
Our Thinking
Our work in Thompson Harrison is based on rigorous research, proven approaches, deep understanding of human dynamics and practical applicability.
Here, we share what we’ve been interested in - other’s thoughts, our own thoughts, what we’ve heard and more.

Attitudes and experiences of Gen-Z at work
Feedback, Friendships and Fun